Illuminous Geomancy Services

Get your customized Illuminous Bracelets here.

If you feel out of balance, stuck, or often in a negative frame of mind,
wearing a customized bracelet that offers Five Elements re-balancing may be just what you need.

Book your appointment with Master Eric (Han) here.

Illuminous Fengshui solutions

Residential Feng Shui AuditLights offering to Buddha for blessing
Commercial Feng ShuiHouse Blessing
Choosing of New HouseSpiritual Classes
Baby Name SelectionSetting up of altar tables

Fengshui Geomancy

Illuminous offers geomancy services such as the setting up of altar tables, wealth fountain and prayer & blessings.

Prayers and Blessings

Prayer and blessing services are also available here in Illuminous. Below are some photos of Master Eric (Han) performing this service.

Spiritual Classes

Spiritual classes are conducted twice a week at $88.80/pax.


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